Project Overview


UX/UI Designer

Target Audience

Kindergarten-aged children of new immigrants to the US


Figma / Photoshop / illustrator


Many new immigrants’ children have one thing in common - their parents speak two or more languages. Even though the kids grew up in a bilingual environment, they may lack the fundamental reading comprehension skill after entering primary school.


Provide an interactive medium for young children to develop reading comprehension and writing skills before entering primary school.

Research Plan Summary

Key Areas to Understand


Do children use apps to read books?

Time spend

How often do children use reading apps?


What did you hope that tool would do for kids?(parents)


Competitive Analysis

There are many reading comprehension apps on the market. It would be valuable to understand how their features may already meet user needs identified in the interviews and focus groups and areas where they do not.

User Interviews

Interview participants who do not use a reading app for 20-40 minutes each (Zoom).

Research Plan Summary

Key Areas to Understand

Do children use apps to read books?

Time spend
How often do children use reading apps?

What did you hope that tool would do for kids?(parents)


Competitive Analysis
There are many reading comprehension apps on the market. It would be valuable to understand how their features may already meet user needs identified in the interviews and focus groups and areas where they do not.

User Interviews
Interview 2-3 participants who do not use a reading app for 20-40 minutes each (Zoom).

Research Plan Summary

Key Areas to Understand

Do children use apps to read books?

Time spend
How often do children use reading apps?

What did you hope that tool would do for kids?(parents)


Competitive Analysis
There are many reading comprehension apps on the market. It would be valuable to understand how their features may already meet user needs identified in the interviews and focus groups and areas where they do not.

User Interviews
Interview 2-3 participants who do not use a reading app for 20-40 minutes each (Zoom).

Children who grow up in bilingual families hope to rapidly improve their reading comprehension skills because they worry about lagging in English comprehension when entering elementary school.

They are unhappy that their parents use many apps to get them to practice reading comprehension because most are boring.

They hope the new reading app combines various exciting subjects because they want to interact with friends like at school.

Through this app, they want to show their achievements and earn rewards because it is more motivating.

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights

Children who grow up in bilingual families hope to rapidly improve their reading comprehension skills because they worry about lagging in English comprehension when entering elementary school.

They are unhappy that their parents use many apps to get them to practice reading comprehension because most are boring.

They hope the new reading app combines various exciting subjects because they want to interact with friends like at school.

Through this app, they want to show their achievements and earn rewards because it is more motivating.

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights

Children who grow up in bilingual families hope to rapidly improve their reading comprehension skills because they worry about lagging in English comprehension when entering elementary school.

They are unhappy that their parents use many apps to get them to practice reading comprehension because most are boring.

They hope the new reading app combines various exciting subjects because they want to interact with friends like at school.

Through this app, they want to show their achievements and earn rewards because it is more motivating.

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights

Research Summary & Insights








Next Step

Update Graded Reading Library

Constantly update and read Curry's secretary so children can continuously read new books. Children can continually read new books.

Organizing offline events

Regularly organize offline story meetings to let more children know about this product.

Organize online events

Regularly organize online events

Regularly organize online events. For example, holding reading competitions and quizzes allows children to participate, get rich prizes, and increase their enthusiasm for reading.

Thank You

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